The Bookstore Incident Continues

SBcoverMay 30, 2016 - So after we had a snack in Starbucks at Chapters, Jim and I looked at raw vegan books and cookbooks, with Jim commenting on how happy he was to see authors he knew getting shelf space.


We checked the fiction section for his novel but didn't see it.

I was still laughing to myself over how he cleared out the store a few minutes earlier, with his, "Hut! Hut! Hut! Left, right, left, right! Move it! Move it! Move it!" I was still in danger of peeing my pants, and Jim knew it.

When we walked past the "order it online" computer, he said, "Let's see if they carry my book on their inventory list." He typed in the title of his novel, The Smuggler's Blues, and when it didn't show up, he tried an author search on his name.

[caption id="attachment_1792" align="alignleft" width="300"]The new cover of The Smuggler's Blues, by Jim CareyThe new cover photo of The Smuggler's Blues, by Jim Carey[/caption]

Looking over his shoulder, I didn't notice that he'd typed his name in all lowercase. What I saw was a couple of dots above the ji, and I thought he'd typed in "iim" instead of "jim". So I said, "I think you typed your name wrong." Oops!

Jim looked at me with that wide-eyed expression he gets, and said - in a very LOUD voice - "What! You don't think I can spell my own name, just because I'm a Yank?"

Everybody in the store turned to look. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the exit. I was holding my breath. If I breathed I was going to start laughing, and if I laughed again I was going to pee my pants, and I knew I was too far from the washroom to make it in time.

I can dress him up, but unpredictable results occur when I take him out.

Oh, just so you know; I read Jim's novel before I met him. I thought it was great!

Jim: I always assume that everybody carries my novel. I don't know why, because I also assume everybody has read it. I'm always incredulous when I meet someone who hasn't. In case you, Constant Reader, are in that small minority of people, here's the info from my publisher:

The Smuggler's Blues is a rollicking, fast-paced action-adventure story about newbie smugglers trying to put together a deal while being constantly distracted by alcohol, sex and pot. A funny, riveting page-turner with an unexpected, romantic plot twist.

What people are saying about The Smuggler’s Blues

“A true page-turner. I couldn’t put it down. I highly recommend it.” – Manny Jimenez, Editor, The Key West Citizen

“Jim’s damn book kept me up all night. I couldn’t stop reading it until I finished.” – Ed Blache

“Your characters make Hemingway look like a sissy.” – Jimmy Mantz

“Reading your book was like watching a movie. I could see it in my mind as I read.” – Janice Wagoner

“Jim’s writing is a combination of Ernest Hemingway and Louis L’Amour. I loved it!” – Michael "Curly" Spaulding

editorchoice“Adventure, romance, suspense – a skillfully constructed story.” – Billy Cypers

“Riveting.” – Mark Russo

“I couldn’t put it down. A great read. Thank you.” – Brad Kossman

“Action, adventure, romance, it’s all there. I was sorry when the story was over. I want more!” – Michael Blanding

“Your characters truly drive the story. A great read.” – Mike Young

“I didn’t expect the insights and self-doubt that the main character had. It added a depth and certain quality to the book that I enjoyed.” – Phil Waters

“Finally, an action-adventure novel with depth.” – Danny Chavez

“A real page turner.” – Jim Durante

“Where’s the sequel?” – Susan Smith

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From, a few months ago. editorchoice

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