Maui In 3-D

Category: Travel

MauiThese are photo spheres of Maui, a 3-D effect. Click on the photos and pan left, right, up, down, zoom in and zoom out, to be in my flip-flops.

In this sequence we're starting at Waipuilani Beach and working our way north for a few miles. Aloha.

On Google Maps:,-156.4597968,17z

I've also added some related videos and regular photos.
























Sunset, W. Lipoa St., Kihei

Maui Canoe Clubs





All photos and video (c)2014 by Jim Carey

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2011 Maui In 3-D. Some of the links on this website may generate a commission for me. Thank you. (c) 2011-2019 by Jim Carey -
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