Molokai 2010

Category: Travel

MolokaiAlso in 2010, while I was in Hawaii, Brother Brad and I took a two day excursion to the island of Molokai,

the island Northwest of Maui, to visit friends and explore. Molokai is where the leper colony used to be.

We left Maui on Saturday, March 13, 2010.

We took the ferry from Lahaina, Maui, early one morning, rented one of the six rental cars available on Molokai, and stayed at the one hotel, where the manager turned out to be an old friend from the Quality Inn on Key West.

It's a small world.


On the ferry from Maui to Molokia. Some dramatic shots of Molokai.

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More dramatic early morning shots of Molokai.

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Coming into the harbor at Molokai, met by some paddle boarders at the harbor entrance, accompanied by Brother Brad, who is no big fan of Molokai, but has numerous contacts on the island, which is why he came with me.

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Sitting in the hotel restaurant, on the beach at Molokai. An incredible view.

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Shot from the West end of Molokai, with Maui and Lanai in the distance, at an abandoned US Navy/US Coast Guard WW2 harbor.

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Heading back to Maui on the Molokai Princess ferry in the late afternoon, with whales breaching all around us.

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Lahaina Harbor, from the channel.

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Click on the photos for the high res version. Some of them are really dramatic!

The ferry arrived at Lahaina shortly after sunrise.

On the beach at the hotel.

That's Maui in the distance.

Exploring Molokai.

East Molokai.

West Molokai.

The Hawaiian name for this natural rock is just what it looks like - Penis Rock.

Brother Brad Kossman checking it out.

The famous historical Leper Colony on Molokai. It's a loooonnnng walk, or donkey, ride down. We didn't go. Maybe on my next trip.

When we were returning to Maui there were whales breaching all around us, but I didn't manage to get any pictures of them.

Coming back into Lahaina harbor.


A link to the folder for these pictures and videos, for direct download:

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2011 Molokai 2010. Some of the links on this website may generate a commission for me. Thank you. (c) 2011-2019 by Jim Carey -
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